Lowongan Kerja Kota Banda Aceh is one of the cities in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) province. Kota Banda Aceh also as the capital cities of NAD Province. The Cities consists of 9 districts, 17 Mukim, 70 villages (desa) and 20 villages (kelurahan). Originally there were only 4 districts in Kota Banda Aceh (Meuraksa, Baiturrahman, Kuta Alam and Kuala Shia). Then evolved into 9 districts, namely Meuraxa, Jaya Baru, Banda Raya, Baiturrahman, Lueng Bata, Kuta Alam, Kuta Raja, Syiah Kuala, and Ulee Kareng. Total population of Kota Banda Aceh in the year 2012 as many as 248,727 people.
Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh invites the best Indonesian people to join as non permanet staff (Tenaga Kontrak) as lowongan kerja following positions below :
Tenaga Kontrak Satpol PP dan WH Position Sex Age Education Formation Satpol PP Male minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 15 people WH Male maksimal 32 years old S1 from faculty of Syariah, Dakwah, Ushuluddin and Law 5 people Tenaga Administrasi Male and Female minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 4 people Tenaga Mekanik Male minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 1 people Tenaga Kontrak Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Position Sex Age Education Formation Sopir Pemadam Kebakaran Male minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 8 people Mekanik Pemadam Kebakaran Male minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 2 people Tenaga Pemadam Kebakaran Male minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 14 people Cleaning Service Male minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 1 people Tenaga Kontrak Baitul Mal Position Sex Age Education Formation Pengumpul/Penyuluh Zakat Male and Female maksimal age 35 years old S1 from faculty of Syariah (SMI, SAS, SPH), Tarbiyah (TPA,TBA), Dakwah (Jurusan DPM serta DKP), Ushuluddin (Tafsir Hadist) and Alumni of Dayah Maa �had Aly 10 people (Male) and 5 people (female) Tenaga Kontrak DISHUBKOMINFO Position Sex Age Education Formation Tenaga Security Male minimal 18 and maksimal 30 years old SLTA or equivalent 3 people Tenaga Programmer Male and Female maksimal age 35 years old D2 Computer 1 people Tenaga Jaringan Male and Female maksimal age 35 years old D2 Computer, Informatics, Electro 1 p
For further detail information about job Lowongan Kerja Kota Banda Aceh requirements and how to apply, please refer official source from BKPP Kota Banda Aceh on following link below.
//bkpp.bandaacehkota.go.id/down...NDA ACEH.pdf
Closing date 8 January 2013.
Only qualified candidates that meet with the above lowongan kerja requirements would be processed in this recruitment.
Lowongan Kerja Tenaga Kontrak Kota Banda Aceh via mitra-kerja
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