Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lowongan Kerja JFIT Coordinator - UNESCO Jakarta

Job N Title N N N :N JFIT N CoordinatorN Duty N Station N N N :N Jakarta N Closing N Date N of N ApplicationsN :N COB N of N 28N NovemberN 2012N
Duties N and N ResponsibilitiesN N :N UnderN the N overall N authority N of N the N DirectorN of N UNESCON Jakarta N OfficeN and N directN supervision N of N theN ScienceN Coordinator/DeputyN Director,N and N in N closeN cooperation N with N the N Programme N SpecialistsN andN staff N of N the N otherN ScienceN unitsN of N the N Office, N the N incumbent N shall:N CoordinateN and N assistN the N a �Funds a � in a � TrustN ScienceN Programme N onN GlobalN ChallengesN in N Asia N and N the N Pacific N Regiona tN funded N by N the N Japanese N GovernmentN (JFIT/Science). N The N consultantN willN be responsible N for:liaising N with N different N unitsN of N UNESCON Jakarta N Office, N UNESCON headquartersN and N field N offices, and N IOC/WESTPAC N SecretariatN to N ensure N the N developmentN and N smoothN implementation N of individual N projectsN and N of N inter a �sectoralN activities N related N to N JFIT/Science N activities;A�maintaining N closeN contactN with N donorN institutions N in N the N Japanese N government,N and N provide reports N and N information N to N themN in N aN timely N mannerN at N their N request;liaising,N as N necessary,N with N otherN partnersN such N as N government N counterpartsN and N project partners, N N and N NationalN CommissionsN forN UNESCO, partnersN in N Japan N and N otherN countries N in Asia N and N the N Pacific N region;providing N administrative N and N financial N assistanceN and N advice, N including N assistanceN in N the provision N of N oversight N of N all N administrative N and N financial N mattersN with N regard N to N JFIT a � funded projectsN in N line N with N UNESCOa �sN administrative N rules N and N regulations;workingN with N the N ScienceN unitsN of N the N OfficeN in N the N planning, N development, N implementationN and N monitoringN of N JFIT/Science N projectsN including N writing N of N the N background N papers and providing technical supportN and advice as necessary;monitoringN the N implementation N rate N and N communicatingN with N the N project N officers,N also facilitatingN timely discussions with the donor to getN approval, if N necessary,N onN possibleN re a � programming N of N project N activities N and N budgets; N andPromotingN the visibility of JFIT/Science,N throughN regular N contributions N to N the UNESCON Jakarta Officea �sN website,N officeN brochures,N annual N reports N and N otherN promotionalN materials.N DeliverablesN forN this N task:Quarterly N progressN reportsthe N achievements, N implementation/progress N and N pendingN activities N forN theN effective implementation N of N the N JFIT/Science N programme;overview N of N JFIT/Science N projects, N their N implementation N status, N budget N and N time N lines;listN of N newlyN developedN project N proposals N and N their N status; N workN doneN onN partnershipsN and regionalN coverage N of N the N programmecommunicationN materialsN (brochures, N annual N reports,N etc.) N onN the N JFIT N projectsN and JFIT/Science N programme,N including N anN update N forN the N UNESCON Jakarta N website;N Following N upN to N the N JFIT N Annual N Review N Meetings.N The N consultantN willN beN responsible for:CoordinatingN the N developmentN of N meetingN reports,N note N keepingN and N following N upN on recommendations N and N action N points. N N N DeliverablesN forN this N task:N N A�draft N report N of N the N JFIT N Annual N Review N MeetingN (which N includes N meetingN minutes,N listN ofN participants,N listN of N resolutions, N and N follow a �upN points),N to N beN completedN after N circulation withinN UNESCON Office, N Jakarta,N withinN sevenN workingN days N after N the N meeting;aN final N report N of N the N JFIT N Annual N Review N MeetingN (which N includes N all N meetingN documents, N andN revised N after N inputN from N all N participants N including N MEXTN and N others) N by N one N monthN after N theN meetingN at N the N latest;draft N minutesN forN all N meetingsN to N beN prepared N and N circulatedN withinN five N workingN days N after the N meetingN at N the N latest. N ReportingN and N deliverables:N A N final N report N to N beN submittedN by N end N of N contract. N Minutes,N otherN meeting documents, N andN communicationN materialsN to N beN submittedN in N aN timely N mannerN (see N above N forN schedule).N N N WorkingN conditionsN and N schedule: N A�The N positionN willN beN basedN in N UNESCON Jakarta N office, N and N workingN hoursN shall N beN the N normalN workingN hoursN of N the N duty N station.N Competencies N Professionalism N and N Knowledge N Strong N communicationN skills,N both N spoken N and N written;KnowledgeN and N skills N onN computer N software N (MicrosoftN word,N excel,N power N point), N internet, and N email;Strong N analytical N skills N and N ability N to N analyzeN complex N issues;Ability N to N identifyN priorityN activities N and N assignmentsN and N makeN necessaryN adjustmentsN as required;Ability N to N workN with N minimum N supervision, N with N efficiency,N competence,N integrity N and N inN harmony N with N people N of N different N backgrounds;Ability N to N workN underN heavyN pressure N whileN maintaining N accuracy N and N attentive N to N detail;Ability N to N workN beyondN normal N workingN hoursN whenN necessaryTeamN worker/builder,N proven N record N in N workingN collaboratively N with N colleaguesN to N achieve organizational N goalsN and N ensure N timely N deliveryN of N results. N Planning N and N Organizing: WellN developedN planningN and N organizational N skills,N with N aN reputationN forN beingN able N to N multia �task N and N meetN agreed N deadlines;N Commitment: PassionN to N improve N project N outcomes;Proven N history N of N ongoingN learning N and N developmentN of N oneself;ReputationN as N aN teamN player; N BuildN trust:N ReputationN forN integrity, N openness N and N respectN forN diversity;Consistency N in N the N quality N of N interpersonal N relationships. N Qualifications:N Education:N AnN advanced N university N degree N (Masters N Degree N or N equivalent) N in N natural N or N social sciencesN from N aN recognized N and N reputable N university,N with knowledge onN issues N related N toN international N cooperation N and/or N sustainableN development. N
WorkN Experience :N At N least N 3N yearsN of N successfulN relevant N professional N experienceN as wellN as professional N record N in N sciencesN sector N and N in N programme N coordination,N preferablyN in N governmental, intergovernmental, N or N non a � governmental N agencies.
SignificantN experienceN in N developmentN workN withN anN international N organizationN N is N anN advantage;
Languages:N Excellent N oral N and N written N skill N in N English,N in N particular N the N ability N to N draft N documents N andN expressN viewsN in N aN clear N and N conciseN manner.N GoodN workingN knowledgeN of N Japanese N and N of N BahasaN Indonesia N wouldN beN desirable. N
OtherN Skills: N Strong N communicationN and N interpersonal N skills,N information N technology, N networking N andN negotiating N skills.N KnowledgeN of N UNN systemsN and N procedures N is N anN asset.N
Application:N N AllN applications N in N English,N with N the N mostN recent N CurriculumN VitaeN besidesN the N UNESCON Personnel History N FormN as N wellN as N a N non a � returnableN passport a �size N photoN should N beN addressedN to N the N Finance and N AdministrativeN Officer ,N UNESCON Jakarta,N and N received N by N COB N 28N NovemberN 2012,N to N one N of N theN following:N
(1)N by N mailN forN hard a �copy N N to N :N UNESCON HouseN Jl. N GaluhN II/5, N KebayoranN Baru N Jakarta N 12110 N
(2)N by N emailN to N Jakarta@unesco.orgN with N subject N title N a �Vacancy_JFIT N Coordinatora tN
Only N shorta � listedN candidatesN willN beN contactedN and N noN telephoneN enquiries N willN beN accepted. Applications N received N after N the N closing N date N willN notN beN considered. N N UNESCON reserves N the N right N toN accept N or N rejectN anyN application. N
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Lowongan Kerja JFIT Coordinator - UNESCO Jakarta via kerja-ngo

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