Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTN Oktober 2012

Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik Indonesia memiliki semangat untuk berprestasi, mampu bekerja secara tim, memiliki komitmen serta integritas serta berpenampilan menarik untuk bergabung bersama Bank BTN, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:
Officer Development Program (ODP) General Banking Staff (GBS) Requirements
Male / Female, age 22 a � 27 years old (for GBS position : 25 years old) Height: male minimal 160cm, female minimal 155cm Physically healthy with proportional weight S1/S2 from reputable universities (PTN /PTS) with GPA minimal 3.00 (4.00 scale), preferably majoring in : Law (Civil, Criminal) Economy (Banking, Accounting, Development Studies) Computer Science / Informatics Management / Informatics Engineering Engineering (Civil, Architectural, Electrical, Industrial and Agricultural) Psychology PR (Public Relations) Able to communicate in English both oral and written Computer literate, Ms minimal. Office Not married and willing to not get married for 2 years (specifically 3 years for GBS position) Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia Willing to undergo a bond for 5 years Do not have a family relationship with the employees of Bank BTN How to apply ?
If you are interested, bring your full CV (Resume, fotocopy ID cards, 4A�6 photo of the new, Certificate of Employment (if applicable), copy of Diploma,N transcripts, certificates etc.) and please follow the Walking Interview:
PT Sumber Daya Prima Indonesia
Gedung Habibie Center Lt. Dasar
Jalan Kemang Selatan Nomor 98
Jakarta Selatan 12560
Ph. 62 21 7883 2525
e-mail : ayuelia--at--sumberdayaprima.com
or all application please surat elektronik [surel/email]ed to : lab--at--universalab.com
Closing date 20 October 2012.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
btn oktober 2012. klasifikasi jabatan mikro bank mandiri. lab--at--universalab com. lowongan btn oktober 2012. lowongan kerja bank btn oktober 2012. odp btn oktober 2012. Lowongan Kerja Lainnya : Lowongan Bursa Efek Indonesia Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia Oktober 2012 Lowongan Kerja PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) Lowongan Kerja Trans TV Oktober 2012 Lowongan Kerja GMF AeroAsia Job update on 29 September , 2012 0 Comments

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTN Oktober 2012 via lowongankerjaupdate

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